Turmeric is a golden-yellow spice originally from India.
Get high-quality Turmeric Powder at your local health food store.   It is one of my favorite all-time, remedies for many different ailments. It can be used as an anti-inflammatory for people suffering from arthritis, joint pain, and muscle pain.   Personally, I used it to help myself with a case of pleurisy, I had that lasted almost 2 months. When nothing else seemed to work, I turned to this paste and in 3-4 days I was fine. (Note: all results are different and this is not medical advise. Always check with your healthcare provider if you have a serious medical condition.)  Turmeric paste may also help aid in digestion, and works as an anti-parasitic, and anti-bacterial. 

INGREDIENTS:  (to make the paste)
How to make Golden Paste:
½ cup turmeric powder
1 cup spring water (+ ½ extra if necessary)
1.5 tsp ground black pepper*  

(Why add Black Pepper? It is beneficial to take black pepper with turmeric because it helps the body absorb turmeric.A 1992 report in Clinical Pharmacokinetics on black pepper explained why some studies did not show the same benefits of turmeric as the others did. The human body has a tough time utilizing curcumin effectively.  However just a small amount of black pepper boosted bio-availability of curcumin by up to 2000%, the study shows.)
Cook this paste for 7-9 minutes.   

The Golden Paste is a turmeric-based paste that taken orally provides health benefits to humans as well as animals (dogs and horses). Turmeric, known for is anti-inflammatory properties and used medicinally for over 4,000 years, is excellent for arthritis, skin health, digestion, immune system, and even cancer. Recent studies have confirmed that it may be as effective as 14 different prescription drugs – without the adverse side effects.

After you have the actual Turmeric paste, you can turn it into a tea or "Golden Milk." (Personally, I used Almond Milk for flavor.)

How to Make Golden Milk:
1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon of turmeric paste
1 cup of almond milk
Organic, raw, unfiltered honey for taste

Mix all the ingredients together over medium heat except the honey. Do not allow it to boil. Add a bit of honey for taste (after) and drink as soon as it is cool enough.

See video for instructions:

A 2010 peer-reviewed a research article published in The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology concluded that “the various effects of curcumin has been widely studied in Western systems of medicine for decades, and has been found to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Considering that inflammation plays a major role in most chronic illnesses, anti-inflammatory agents are needed for prevention purposes. Because curcumin inhibits multiple pro-inflammatory pathways and is affordable, this phyto-chemical should be further explored for prevention and treatment of various chronic diseases.”

 Turmeric and Arthritis: In traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurveda medicine, turmeric is used to treat arthritis. A 2006 study found the turmeric helps reduce join inflammation. A different study from the same year found turmeric to have anti-arthritic effect. And a 2012 study provided evidence that curcumin might even be more effective for rheumatoid arthritis than anti-inflammatory drugs.

Turmeric for Digestive Issues: Curcumin stimulates the gallbladder to produce more bile, which may aid digestion. The German Commission E, a scientific advisory board equivalent to the FDA, approved turmeric for digestive problems.

A 2006 double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found curcumin helpful for keeping ulcerative colitis in remission. And a 2013 paper concluded that curcumin is “a very promising new therapeutic option for the treatment of gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases for which present therapies are largely unsatisfactory.”

Turmeric as First Aid: Turmeric can be used to treat wounds, cuts, rashes, bruises, insect bites, and swelling. A 2014 article from Life Sciences concluded that topical application of curcumin has a great therapeutic effect on skin wounds. Also, a 2006 study concluded that it accelerated wound healing.

Dr. David Wolfe
Dr. Arajan



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